CD duplication replication services

CD Packaging: Quick Q&A About Music Packaging


Will a creative CD packaging lure customers to buy my CD?

Hmmm… I will answer that question with another question. Will a beautiful dress make a woman more appealing? The answer is yes, right? But she has to offer something more before you ask her on a real date.  A creative CD packaging draws people’s attention and makes us consider buying the album but it still requires a good push before we actually bring it to the counter.

A creative CD packaging can get our attention but it may not convince us too much to the point that we’ll actually buy the album.  But the first reason alone is enough to convince us that a creative CD packaging is indeed very important. Before people would even think of buying the product, they have to notice it first. And that’s what a creative CD packaging do best-getting attention.

And besides, a creative CD packaging will definitely boost you and your band’s ego.

Okay, okay. I am convinced. Now tell me how I should do it.

Well, we do not have whole day so let me just give you some quick tips in making a creative CD packaging. Number one, there is no hard rule for making a creative CD packaging. Some say that you have to incorporate your music or band image to your CD packaging but that is not necessary. Some of the most creative CD packaging have nothing to so with the songs or the musicians at all.  You just have to open your mind and do not limit your design to your genre, to your band image, to your influences.

It helps a lot if you study some creative CD packaging. There are many sites dedicated to CD and LP packaging. You can analyze what makes a CD packaging stand-out, what composition looks good, what fonts look good, which ones to avoid, and many others.

Wow! So… I can actually make my own creative CD packaging?

Of course! But you should know that graphic designing and art direction requires a whole course so you better be ready to study first and study fast (or have a good advisor) so you would know the basics of CD packaging and design. It’s not simply putting a picture and a good copy together. It’s so much more if you’re aiming for a creative CD packaging.  And of course, you need to know by heart all the editing software or else you’ll just have a migraine. So my suggestion is this, have a clear picture of what you want in your creative CD packaging, explain it clearly and vividly to your graphic artist, and let him do his thing.

Geez. I’d rather hire someone than go through all that hassle.


What if I do not have big money to spend on my CD packaging? Are there ways for me to cut-down my costs?

Plenty. First, instead of hiring a high-rate designer, you can contact student designers or fresh graduates who are willing to design for a very low rate (or even for free) just to beautify their portfolio. If you really have a tight budget, you also have to inform your designer so he would know his limitations in designing your creative CD packaging. Then, it might help if you work backwards. When conceptualizing your design, look for materials that you already have that you might find useful and think of ways you can use it in your design.

There are lots of other tips and tricks in our blog that you might find useful. Take some time to read them before you start conceptualizing your CD artwork. Good luck!


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