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How to Choose the Right Promotional Product


Promotional products are meant to market your company therefore you have to be strategic in choosing the items you will give out. Do not just give away generic key chains, calendars, and other cliche stuff most companies give out or else it would just be a waste of money. It would also make people think that you’re just a regular company with no originality. You wouldn’t like that.

So…I came up with a list of characteristics of what I think promotional products should have. Note that these tips apply mainly to small and medium-sized companies. Also note that these are just my suggestions based on my observations and not hard rules.

Fits your budget, but not cheap. Do not be cheap. Please. If you only have a very small budget for your promotional product, find a way to get more money. If you really cannot allot a few more dollars for your giveaways, then limit the number of items you’ll give out. Do not be like other companies that produce tons of very cheap promotional items so they can give it to more people. This is a DON’T especially if your product/services has something to do with art and creativity. It’s better to give fewer items-only to important people- than to give cheap promotional products to thousands of people. Doing the latter could ruin your company’s image.

Great reach. Make sure that you choose an item that would reach a lot of people. Even if you’re Victoria’s Secret, I still would not recommend that you give away lingerie even if it has the prettiest design. If you give 50 girls 50 sexy underwear, who gets to see it? Only the recipients and their lovers. Actually, that’s okay if you’re already as popular (and rich) as Victoria’s Secret but for new lingerie companies, Don’t. Don’t because there are tons of other promotional items which can promote your products and capture more audience.

Allows you to give more info about your company. Since you are still a small company, make sure you maximize your promotional products. People still have no idea of what you do so you have to choose promotional products where you can print information about your company. I especially recommend customized USB Flash Drives since you can store lots of information at the same time print your logo on the case.

Eye-catching. Of course this is a must. You just don’t want to give out something boring to your valued customers and prospects. Your promotional items would surely end up in their basements and gather dust. You want them to use it every day or place it in their offices or living rooms for lots of people to see. Just imagine that you’re the receiver of your promotional products…what items don’t you want to receive? What items will you show off to your friends because it’s just too cool?

Reflect your brand. Do not just choose random items that you think are eye-catching. You also have to make sure that the items you give out reflect your company’s personality. Yes, it should reflect your PERSONALITY-not necessarily the products you sell. What is your company’s personality? Are you the happy, bouncy, funny types? Are you the formal, straightforward ones? That has to reflect on your promotional products.

Relevant to target market. Although highly recommended, it is not necessary that you give them something that’s similar to the stuff you sell or related to the services you offer. What is important is that you choose promotional products that your target market would surely find relevant/useful. If you’re selling computer parts and you just don’t have enough money to give away customized flash drives, give them pencil holders or cute little post-it notes instead.


Unified Manufacturing is an L.A. -based one-stop-shop that offers very affordable CD/DVD/USB replication, custom printing, promotional products, warehousing and fulfillment and many more. If you need an Instant Quote on a project and you want FREE SHIPPING, simply CLICK HERE.

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