Play in smaller venues Musicians can get more loyal followers by playing in smaller venues like art shows, bookstores, and bars than in big concerts where there are lots of bands competing for attention. It may be because of proximity. The structure and the spatial arrangement of a smaller setting may be the reason why people feel closer, literally and figuratively, to the musicians. You can also do an invite-only “tea party”, barbecue, or what have you with your fans (you’re going to perform, of course). Share something personal on your blog The usual blogs of musicians are mostly informative. They simply talk about their gigs and about their latest album. That’s okay since that’s necessary but blogging about those things alone doesn’t build any connection to your followers. You have to share a bit of yourself to them-it could be about your childhood, the difficulties you encountered while on tour, what your opinions are about the music industry, your advocacies, even the most shallow details about your everyday life. Here are some more blogging tips for musicians. Sit on the Merch table After your concert, make sure you sit on the merch table. Not only will this help sell your merch, you will also establish an intimate connection with your fans. Make sure you leave your attitude problem somewhere else because one rude gesture could mean a lot to your loyal fans-and it will likely backfire. While you’re there signing autographs, let them write down their e-mail addresses for so you can update them on your next gigs. Reasons will be stated below. Don’t just post updates on your page, E-mail your fans. Create the feeling that they are special, and the fans would pay attention to you more. Do not just post updates about your band on your facebook wall, on myspace, on Twitter…send them personal messages or e-mails as well. Personal messages are more…uhm, personal thus they would really feel like they matter to you. Conduct Live Webcast Livechat allows musicians to webcast a video of themselves to their fans. It is pretty much like talking to someone on Skype. The fans ask questions through a text-based chat room interface and the band will answer them one by one. This can be done, of course, by the more established musicians. Those that already have enough followers who are thrilled to get to know the musicians more. _______________________________________________________________________ Unified Manufacturing is an L.A. -based one-stop-shop that offers very affordable CD/DVD/USB replication, custom printing, promotional products, warehousing and fulfillment and many more. If you need an Instant Quote on a project and you want FREE SHIPPING, simply CLICK HERE.]]>
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