Warehousing & Fulfillment

Pick-Pack-Delivery you can truly rely on!

Packing, storing, and shipping your products can be a really tedious and time-consuming task. After all the hard work you've done in manufacturing your products, it's time you take a break or focus on more important things like marketing. Allow us to do the tedious tasks so you can do more without exerting much effort. Unified has huge warehousing facilities in the US and UK and over hundreds of partners all over the world where you can store your bulk products. The facility also houses extensive pick, pack and ship operations as well as fulfillment services like kitting, light assembly, quality inspection, order processing and other value-added services.

Warehouse and fullfilment prices 2023:

Pick and pack






shipped to unified


shipped out of unified


Vinyl mailer

Vinyl mailer fee


Storage fee

per pallet per month


Sorting out mailing

per hour one hour minimum


Reasons why you should choose us:

  • Storage and Inventory : If you find it inconvenient to store huge bulks of products in your garage or office, we have a place for you. We have warehouses in California, Utah, Indiana, and the UK. At a very small fee, you'd feel assured knowing that your items are safe, dry, and ready-to-ship.
  • Direct-to-Retail : No need to buy big boxes, packaging tapes, and bubble wraps. Just give us a list of your retailers and their addresses and we'll send them your items.
  • On-demand Orders : This service quickly and reliably gets your customer the order they want. Basically, this allows shipping per piece to any individual anywhere in the world -the kind of service being used by online stores.
  • Our Shipping Rates : We've been in this industry for almost a decade now and the UPS guys are our friends. Because we ship lots of orders daily, they are able to give us friendlier prices which are much lower if you ship by piece. Another good thing is that you won't have to wash-up and drive to your courier every time there's an order.
  • Security : Don't worry. We got the sturdiest boxes and the strongest tapes to protect your beloved products. In our years in this industry, we never had a single complaint about shipping damages. BUT, if you or your customers will have complaints (broken items, etc), just give us a call and we will fix the issue right away.
  • Connect your existing website via API : Let us handle your merch drops or album drops with little to know fan fare. Connect your store using our intuitive API and we will pull in all your orders into our warehouse and ship DTC within 5-7 business days

Services offered:

  • Pick, pack, and Deliver
  • Repacking
  • Kitting
  • Assembly
  • Quality Inspection
  • Order Processing