22 custom band merch ideas for 2022

Want to know some custom band merch ideas for 2022? The second half of the year is just right around the corner. You guys still have 6 more months to release your merch line together with a music release, gig show, or a tour. If you’re having second thoughts on releasing them, then I urge […]

t-shirt band merch design

Where can I order band custom merch in LA?

Band merch is one of the primary sources of income for musicians, just a few digits shy from live shows. We all love band merch not only because they’re awesome symbols of our youth but It’s one of the best ways fans can support their favorite artists, too. If you already bought the album of […]

Merch strategy—how to be more than just a store!

Merchandise strategy is extremely important for musicians. It’s not just about generating profit. It’s also a powerful way to connect with fans! Merch sales is just second to live show sales and that says something with how much revenue musicians get from it. It’s actually one of the reasons why merch releases became so widespread […]

17 Merch Hoodies for the holidays

It’s already that time of year where people all around the world are thinking of gifts. Two of the top items on their list would unquestionably be merch hoodies and sweatshirts. They definitely deserved their spots too because they’re not just cozy and warm, they’re stylish as well. And what’s even better than a regular […]

16 winter merch items that sell like hot cakes

Want to sell more winter merch? Then make sure you they are winter merch, right items for the season. In this article, I’ll be presenting to you 16 different merch ideas you can choose to include in your music release. #1. UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATSHIRT If we’re talking about band merch ideas for the holidays, sweatshirts […]

Bands with best marketing campaigns

If you want people to actually buy your music, sometimes, good music just isn’t enough. You must also have the best merketing campaign tailored to your needs and image. If you want inspiration, here are six bands with innovative album releases: #1. CUT COPY – FREE YOUR MIND Back in 2013, the concept of Pokémon […]