artist personality management

How to be more likeable as an artist

There are lots of talented artists who don’t get too far because their personalities get in the way. Yes, most of the supporters don’t really care about how the artists are in real life but colleagues, executives, and other professionals in the industry do. Not that these people are really too sensitive or they’re just […]

press kit DVD

PRESS Kits are Meant to ImPRESS

Press Kits should be really impressive or else don’t make any at all (it will just turn-off the journalists and executives). Press kits are like promotional booklets/sales brochures with detailed information about your film or project. Your press kit should include information about your project from your intention to the aspect ratio of your film. Some indie filmmakers […]


CDs Versus Download Cards

So which is better: Selling CDs or download cards? The answer might seem easy to some (Download Cards, duh!) but you have to think twice. There are advantages that only the CD offers (yes, no matter how outdated it is) which could greatly improve your music career. Here are some of the pros and cons of […]