How many custom t-shirts should I print on my band launch?

T-shirts are a staple merchandise from bands and musicians. When you go to gigs or concerts these shirts are stacked up on every merch table, at every musicians event and no one is really complaining because fans love them. Custom band t-shirts has been the #1 merch for many years now. T-shirts are easy to […]

12 Reasons You Should Still Release Physical Albums Even if There’s Spotify

You might be wondering if releasing a physical version of your album would be a successful one. You’re not the only one though. Many people from the music industry do, especially during this age of digital streaming. Digital streaming has been taking over music sales since 2005 and it surpassed physical sales last 2015 and […]

16 Redditors on Why They Love Vinyl Records

Vinyl is so back and it will be here to stay forever. But what is it with vinyl that makes it so special? We went to r/vinyl and r/letstalkmusic to find out! #1 They’re the bane of my fucking life! I love records but they’re also the bane of my fucking life. As to why […]

How to create your own personalized custom cassette mixtape!

If you’ve ever wondered how to make a mixtape with a cassette, you’re in for a nostalgic treat. Creating your own personalized custom cassette mixtape is a delightful blend of creativity and craftsmanship, bringing back the charm of a bygone era. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of making a mixtape from […]

21 of the most valuable vinyl records that might be hiding In your grandma’s attic

With vinyl records experiencing a resurgence in popularity, you might be surprised to learn that 21 valuable records you might have at home belong to the list of the most expensive ones. All vinyl records are valuable but some are more valuable than others. You know one of the many good reasons why people are […]

Cassette Tapes with the Coolest Packaging

Cassette tapes are cool again but what makes the current releases totally worth it are the awesome custom cassette tape packaging. Gone are the days where cassette tapes were just considered a music format. Now, it’s not enough that it contains music because hello! We already have iTunes for that. Cassette tapes should be worth […]

List of Recording Studios Still Open During the Pandemic

The pandemic has brought a halt to concerts and album releases. But now that we’re already in the last stretch of this nightmare, it’s time we go back to the grind and make music again! If you’re looking for a recording studio that’s open and running and with really well-implemented COVID safety protocols, check out […]


Music plays a very crucial role in horror movies as they create the mood and atmosphere. That is why filmmakers really take their time in finding the best score for their masterpieces. Take for example Dario Argento and the soundtrack for his classic Deep Red (Profondo Rosso). He approached Pink Floyd but when he got […]

top 10 reasons why vinyl is called vinyl

Top 10 Reasons Why Vinyl is Called Vinyl (and Not LPs)

Vinyl records haven’t always been called vinyl records? Who would’ve to thunk it, and who fucking cares? But if you want to be able to talk the walk and want to be able to mix it with your fellow industry buds, it’s best you read on. The change in name didn’t happen overnight. It’s only […]