Whether you’re an indie musician promoting your first album or a salesman with big numbers to break, writing a compelling e-mail that people will actually read is a big plus in advancing your career or business. There is much more to say about effective e-mail marketing than we can fit into a short article, but the tips below are a good start. Good luck and may we all have fewer unsubscriptions;-)
Only send out the e-mails that you really, really love. And I mean, really,really, really love. If, after reading it for the 10th time, you can still say “damn! This still cracks me up. Or, “God! This e-mail is so good I almost bought my own product”, send it. But never send the boring ones or the average ones. This is important: Just send the really,really good ones. Repeat that to yourself everyday. Because it only takes one boring e-mail to turn them off. That single boring e-mail could be your ticket to the spam folder and as you know, nothing’s worse than that!
Don’t use difficult words.You do not want to read e-mails that sound like they’re ripped directly from Encyclopedia Britannica. You are so busy with your life that you only want to read e-mails that do not require much brainwork. How can we achieve this? Quite simple. Write as if you’re talking. And much more, write as if you’re talking to gradeschool students on their camping trip. So stay away from those highfalutin gobbledegooks and use simple words.
Keep it short. Not only are people lazy to use their brains when reading e-mails, they also have very little patience when reading them. Thus, keep it short and simple because people are lazy and stupid. If a sentence is not too essential in the e-mail, remove it. It may have taken you half an hour to come up with that sentence, but that’s part of writing. You have to learn to let go of the unnecessary. I also do not advise that put 5-6 sentences in one paragraph. One to 2 sentences is good. 3 is okay if the sentences are not long. Break them into easy-to-read bits.
Don’t make it seem too personal. Have you read those e-mails that are fun, light, but come off as a bit too ‘friendly’? Too annoying, right? How can they send out overfriendly e-mails when they do not even know my middle name? I know it’s important to get personal in the e-mails but make sure you are not smothering them with your cute words. Be friendly but respect their private bubble.
Include all the links. Make sure all the necessary links are included in your e-mail. The e-mail should lead them to your website, to your amazon page,to your Kickstarter psge, etc. In your website, you can have lengthier sentences and more detailed descriptions. Make the Call to Action link very clear. Make it very bold and very big because some people are too lazy to read the third, fourth, fifth paragraph and they just want to go directly to the point.
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