musician busking money

15 Ways to Stay Financially Afloat If You’re a Musician

Who says you’re meant to be broke and insecure because you’re pursuing music? Well…almost everybody. That’s why you have to prove them wrong. There are hacks on how you can earn a good income while you’re still making it in music. Here are some of the tried and tested ways you can increase your income […]

covid resources for musicians

List of COVID Relief Funds for Musicians

We compiled a list of COVID funds for musicians because we know it’s always tough being a musician but there’s no other time the phrase “It’s tough being a musician right now” is more apt than right now. COVID-19 has shaken our world and this pandemic has put the music industry in a big question […]


Best Merch Items for Your Indie Film

Between post-production and your first screening is the time you get your hands dirty making your merch and marketing your film. You design posters, create a website, and a million other things. One thing you should not forget on the list is creating kick-ass movie merch. Yep, as in merchandise! It’s a good way to […]

Music Career Advice: How to Stay Creative

Most of the time, we look for music career advice and techniques on how to improve our chances of success but we forget that what’s more important is how to create really great, inspired music. There will be days when you won’t have a single drop of creativity left in our system. Sometimes, these days […]

Artist Money & Passion

How Artists Can Achieve Balance Between Money & Passion

This has been a perpetual problem of every artist: getting the right balance between money & passion. Do you find that your life is so full of meaning (and you love it that way) but then when the bills arrive, you totally get a head splitting headache because you’re too broke you can’t even buy […]

music cd sales

Are people still buying CDs?

If you’re a musician about to release an album, I’m sure you’re wondering if you really should still make CDs when fewer and fewer people are buying CDs. For the first time in history, global revenue from music downloads and subscriptions has overtaken sales of physical formats. Digital revenue grew nearly 7 percent to $6.85 […]

Indie Film Premiere merch

6 Things to Do Before Your Indie Film Premiere

You’re finally done with the post-production of your film and it’s time for your indie film premiere. Time to rejoice and take a looooong break! You deserve it. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you still have to do some film marketing. The best time to market your film is during production, the next best […]

indie record label

Indie VS Major Record Label: The Major Differences

What truly sets the indie record label apart from the major record label? Here’s a list of differences from money, creative control, to focus. DEFINITION Record label artist: You are signed with the big companies which include: Universal, Sony-BMG, and Warner. Record labels are global in scale and are under the control of a corporate umbrella organization. […]

Networking in Music

Networking in Music: 5 Ways You’re Doing It Wrong

There are many friendly and talkative artists who seem like they’re experts at networking but in actuality, they don’t get the results they want. They seem to be giving too many business cards and they seem to be always busy but there are just no good results. So what are they doing wrong? Here are […]

musician online presence

5 Ways to Declutter Your Band’s Online Presence

As the internet has grown and expanded over the last decade, it has become much easier for musicians and artists to maximize their online presence. Making a website is so easy and there are just so many media platforms to choose from (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Stumbleupon, Reddit, Linkedin, Tumblr, Google Plus, and a thousand […]