
Featured Designer: Chris Rubino

About Chris Rubino: Chris’s works have been exhibited in Europe, Japan, Hong Kong and the U.S. He recently has created designs & illustrations for such clients as The New York Times, Banana Republic & The NY Public Theater. Rubino’s work has been strongly influenced by his screen-printing background making limited edition posters for bands such […]


DVD Packaging with HANDS

Horror films love hands in their movie posters and DVD artwork. Hands can show struggle, pain, anger, and desperation. And as we all know, hands are used to slice, chop, and strangle among others.  Here are movie posters and DVD artwork that use HANDS. Of course, we’ll start with Psycho. _____________________________________________________________ Unified Manufacturing is a custom […]

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Featured CD Packaging Designer: Seldon Hunt

Seldon Hunt has been working as an art director, designer and illustrator since 1995.  In recent years much of his output has been devoted to creating a diverse and highly recognizable body of visuals that have become synonymous with contemporary international music culture. His work is exhibited globally and appears regularly in music, art, culture […]

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Featured Designers: Three Bears Design

Northeast Ohio is home to our next group of featured designers, Three Bears Design. The creative and well educated group, with degrees from art and design institutions across the Northwest, enjoy creating all sorts of projects, including illustrated t-shirts, catalogs, show posters, and of course: compact discs. Today, we’re proudly displaying their “Sospiri” project, designed […]