Wondering why your vinyl records are taking so long?

If you’ve never had a vinyl pressed until now, you might get shocked by how long the turnaround time is—usually it’s 8-12 weeks. And there are even times when the pressing plants ship your vinyl records later than the expected time. This might frustrate you, especially if you’re close to your album release date… so […]

How to make merch kits that really sell

Merch kits are nothing new. Lately, many musicians are putting together merch hits that truly rock. And they’re being wise. You see, if a promotional kit is done right, then they more valuable than their individual pieces. Instead of just being cool items, they become special editions that can even be given as gifts. So […]

Busking the right way in 2022 and beyond

Busking is a classic way of getting attention and money from your music. All you need is your instrument and charisma…and you’re good to go. But there is more to busking than just getting a few dollars. You can actually turn it into a money-making and marketing strategy. In this article, I will give you […]