vinyl record DIY

Can you make your own vinyl record?

Vinyl records have made a steady comeback these past years. The ongoing pandemic has given the people the time to appreciate these records and the high sales of custom vinyl records for the year of 2020 will show you how much they have appreciated it. As a musician, I’m sure you also want to release […]

vinyl pressing GET OUT Garden Party variant 3 1

How to Significantly Cut Down Vinyl Pressing Cost

Vinyl pressing could be really expensive especially if you compare it to digital distribution. BUT it is totally worth it. Selling vinyl doesn’t only make you look absolutely LEGIT, it also helps in marketing your band. It automatically adds instant cool points and personality, doesn’t it?! Of course, you don’t need any convincing. Who doesn’t […]

Music in Vinyl record

5 Legit Reasons You Should Release Music in Vinyl

If you’re a musician and you’re contemplating whether it’s worth it to release music in vinyl, we strongly suggest that you give it a go because people are definitely buying vinyl records again.  Making a vinyl record might sound tedious, time-consuming, and expensive…and it probably is. However, there are so many ways you can make […]