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Five CD Packaging Options for Multi-Disc Projects

If you have a multi-disc project, say a 10-year album compilation, you have to think how you will package your discs because it won’t definitely be like the regular CD jewel case. It has to have enough room for your discs to sleep comfortably in. Here are some of the options for multi-disc CD/DVD projects […]


CDs Versus Download Cards

So which is better: Selling CDs or download cards? The answer might seem easy to some (Download Cards, duh!) but you have to think twice. There are advantages that only the CD offers (yes, no matter how outdated it is) which could greatly improve your music career. Here are some of the pros and cons of […]

pinbender toogoodtobetrue

Elements of a kick-ass CD packaging

It Serves its Primary Purpose Before you try to make your CD packaging interesting, make sure it keeps the discs safe from liquids, dust, and pressure. This means, the case should be sturdy and easy-to-open, among other things. Also make sure that the CDs won’t fall off once the CD packaging is opened. There are […]


Awesome Examples of Cutout CD Packaging

A cutout design is perfect if you want more texture (and beauty!) in your CD or DVD packaging. To achieve a really good-looking cutout CD packaging, you need to do an intricate process which could involve your bare hands and cutters or a die-cutting machine. But there is no doubt its pay-off because it is […]