wooden cd cases

10 Elegant Wooden CD Cases

If you’re looking for an elegant CD case or CD packaging for your wedding CD invite or promotional CD,  nothing beats wooden CD cases when it comes to elegance. Great for wedding CDs, collector’s edition DVDs, and other special CDs or DVDs that would need a really special case. Presentation CD/DVD Case made in Cedar […]

broken cd

So…the CD is dead? The trick is to Diversify.

“Who the fart are still buying CDs? It’s not 1993! Who would want the square-ish bulky thing with only 12-16 tracks when there’s the no-weight, no –mass (and some no-cost) Spotify? Let’s just skip the CD and go digital full-force.” Not the wisest decision, buddy. Apparently, many still buy the good ‘ole compact disc. Sure, […]

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The Ins and Outs of CD Duplication

Despite the digital shift, when a new album comes out, countless fans still flock to the stores or go online to buy a physical copy of the music. Thus, CD duplication is not a dead art. In fact, artists worldwide still rely on companies to copy their music onto discs, package it, and distribute the […]