CD Packaging of the Week: Bosco-Spectrum

Artist: Bosco Album: Spectrum Label: The Big Up/Brittany Bosco Designers: Alex Goose & Branden Collins Year: 2008 Info: Alex Goose: Designed as a promotional EP with little to no budget, Branden and I had to come up with a package design that would immediately catch anybody’s eye. As part of The Big Up!, we not […]


CD Packaging:100+ CD Artwork with CATS

“The cat is above all things, a dramatist.” They are simply the most sophisticated animals here on earth. Just observe how they walk, purr, yawn. The filthiest cat on the streets have more elegance than some women I met in clubs. They just have the grace, the confidence, and kick-ass attitude! Maybe that’s the reason […]

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3 Ways You Can Benefit from a Creative CD Packaging

For an indie musician, money is very important because every penny comes from their own pockets. Thus, spending a big amount on CD packaging is not included in the plan. But what they do not know is that a good-looking CD packaging will give them more profit in the long run. And not only will […]

radiohead albums usb flash drive

Music Packaging: Top 12 USB Albums

What’s so charming about USB flash drives is that there is plenty of room for originality. People just love the novelty of it! USB Flash Drives can contain music, videos, games, interviews and at the same time, the actual USB drive can double as band merch/collectibles. You can have your album in USB bracelets, necklaces, […]


GOING BANANAS: CD packaging with…bananas!

Yeah, it’s kinda silly but just in case you thought of having BANANAS as your album artwork’s main subject, here are some of the album covers with bananas! Identify which ones you like and which ones you find ridiculous. Well I kinda like most of them because they look ridiculous. I mean, if you’re see […]