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CD Packaging of the Week:Amnesiac- Radiohead

Album: Amnesiac Artist: Radiohead Cover Artist: Stanley Donwood Year: 2002 This wonderfully done packaging won the Grammy Award for Best Recording Package in 2002. That’s almost a decade ago but this packaging has managed to keep its appeal intact. It was presented in a red hardbound book filled with artsy illustrations by Stanley Donwood and […]

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CD Packaging: Music in a Pizza Box

This 5-track short release by California Nintendo-core rockers HORSE the Band is a tribute to the band’s favorite food-PIZZA. The CD looks like a pepperoni and cheese pizza, it comes in a pizza box complete with ‘grease stains’ in the right places, there are coupons and even that little stand that keeps the pizza from […]

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CD Packaging: The "Found Photography" Fad

The fad of using ‘found photography’ Polaroid images as the main artwork for CDs is back again. It makes me wonder why. Do they genuinely see the beauty in it as it is? Are they Dada artists (anti-art) who try to rebel against society’s standards and conventions of art? Do they want to mock CD […]

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CD Packaging: Physical Fanatics Want Innovative Releases

Sony Music Entertainment‘s head of insight. “Although tech savvy, they are older [than digital buyers]. For them, discovery is about discovering old gems from back catalogs. They want a big connection with artists and love box sets. They want innovation in physical recordings.” These include extras added to CDs such as DVDs of the artist […]

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Unified Manufacturing: Past Projects (Vinyl, CD, DVD)

Unified Manufacturing’s unique blend of products and services allow bands across the broad spectrum of music to reach more fans.  We have done projects for  Maroon 5, Tenacious D, Obama Campaign, Fear Factory, Nine Inch Nails, Testament, Black Angels, Herman Dune, Kataklysm, Tapped the Movie, and many others. Check em’ out! VINYL Attractive, unique, and […]

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Music Packaging: PIANO Album Covers

So you have to make an album cover for a musician who plays the piano and he insists that you to include the instrument on the cover. Now you simply do not know what to do to make the album art unique and creative. Well, you can get some tips from these album covers.  I […]

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Featured CD Packaging Designer: Seldon Hunt

Seldon Hunt has been working as an art director, designer and illustrator since 1995.  In recent years much of his output has been devoted to creating a diverse and highly recognizable body of visuals that have become synonymous with contemporary international music culture. His work is exhibited globally and appears regularly in music, art, culture […]