10 influencer kits that totally rock

Nowadays, with social media blending into marketing strategies, there’s this cool thing called influencer kits. They’re these awesome packages that brands use to team up with influencers online. WHY SHOULD YOU MAKE ONE?  It gives a more genuine vibe than direct advertising. Influencers dish out their real experiences, making the whole promotion feel legit to […]

17 Merch Hoodies for the holidays

It’s already that time of year where people all around the world are thinking of gifts. Two of the top items on their list would unquestionably be merch hoodies and sweatshirts. They definitely deserved their spots too because they’re not just cozy and warm, they’re stylish as well. And what’s even better than a regular […]

10 Essential tips for pre-selling your vinyl

Pre-selling your vinyl album is an art form in itself—a dance between generating excitement and managing the logistics of production. It involves careful planning, smart marketing, and a deep understanding of your audience. So how do you do it right? These ten essential tips will guide you through the intricacies of setting up your vinyl […]

Stans are all you need

Have you heard of Stan Twitter? No? Then you better dive into it or you’ll be missing out. You see, It’s where you’ll find and interact with the most enthusiastic, most dedicated fans of just about anything anime stans, music stans, movie stans, you name it! What’s even better is that they are also subdivided […]

3 types of fans and how to hook them

There are different types of music fans. And if you want to succeed in the industry, then you’ll have to know what bait to cast so they’ll be hooked. But don’t worry. You really don’t need a lot—a few superfans is all you really need. Soo…who are your fans? Well it could be everyone, but […]

Bands with best marketing campaigns

If you want people to actually buy your music, sometimes, good music just isn’t enough. You must also have the best merketing campaign tailored to your needs and image. If you want inspiration, here are six bands with innovative album releases: #1. CUT COPY – FREE YOUR MIND Back in 2013, the concept of Pokémon […]