recording music

Six don’ts when releasing music

Congratulations and good luck! You are about to enter a new phase in your music career. Releasing music and putting yourself and your music out there, for the public to consume and love, is not an easy feat. Aside from the creative aspects of perfecting your music, you have to do a lot of other […]

artist money quotes

Musicians’ comebacks when asked to play for free

Whether you’re a seasoned musician or a new one trying to jumpstart a career, I’m pretty sure you are very familiar of “offers” from bar owners, filmmakers, friends…err, just about anybody  to let you play music for free venue, free drinks, exposure and everything else except monetary compensation. They believe that’s the way things should […]

jack white balloon launch

Famous Musicians and their Gimmicks

Whether you like it or not, gimmicks play a big part in the music industry. We’ve said over and over that a career in music requires more than talent- it requires good branding (which could include the gimmicks), winning traits and 10,000 other things. A gimmick is a strategic stunt or look that makes people pay attention […]

sad woman guitar

How to Stay Motivated as a Musician

As musicians, we become everything from being euphoric after releasing an album to frustrated and unmotivated for a million reasons– not selling enough, not having gigs, not going anywhere and all the other things that make a career in music tough. We’ve all been there. And in those moments, it’s hard not to wallow in […]