dvd packaging dusk dawn unified manufacturing 4

DVD Packaging: From Dusk Till Dawn Trilogy

The Dusk Till Dawn Trilogy collector’s edition set is definitely one of the coolest DVD packaging I’ve seen in a while. It’s elaborate and would really look great in any office. The sad thing is that it’s probably sold out by now because they only sold 700 pieces worldwide.  It contains a helluva cool Titty […]


Band Promotion: How to Shoot Conceptual Band Photos

If you are a new band, you will eventually need conceptual band photos for your CD packaging, album art, website, press kit, posters, shirts, and other stuff needed for band promotion.  Now you DO NOT want to slack off in this department because it’s your way to get noticed. I will say it again: Good […]

record photo

Top 10 Vinyl Record Myths

Vinyl is so back and lots of musicians are now releasing their albums in vinyl. But many musicians still think that it is not a wise thing to do because it’s impractical and they believe it won’t sell. In fact, if they only knew that what they heard about vinyl records could be just a […]

Unified manufacturing dexter packaging10

DVD Packaging: Dexter Evidence Bag

This DVD packaging of Dexter TV show is another proof that their promotion guys are really working hard to create a brand for this hit TV series.  Do you still remember the fresh “human arm”  they placed in a grocery store in Spain? Or the bloody fountain in LA? Undoubtedly, these guys are experts in […]


Merch Concepts: Paperdolls

Looking for creative custom merch concepts for your band? Here’s a very fun one we stumbled upon online. It’s simple and really cheap to make but it can be your fan’s favorite. This creative Band Merchandise is for a band called Evertheory. A friend of theirs offered to design paperdolls for the band as promotional […]

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Heck, I Still Want the Hard Format!

packaging, I love reading every bit of info about my favorite films (and not from my laptop, please!), I love smelling the pages, and  I love the kind of high I get everytime I open a new DVD. That certain ‘consumerist’ high cannot be experienced with downloads. Yeah sure, you can enjoy the visuals and […]


Work Hard But Don't Take Your Music Career Too SRSLY

grunt work and I believe it’s the shortest path to success. What I’m talking about is that try your hardest, work real hard on achieving success in your music career, but as much as possible do not look desperate and never make desperate moves or say desperate remarks. Never step on other artists just to […]

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Band Promotion: Put Some Thought Into Your Sticker Designs

Paramore Pink Floyd The Inbreds Jimi Hendrix Band Marino Illustrators Shim Guns n’ Roses Eddie Eddie Van Halen   ________________________________________________________________________ Unified Manufacturing is an L.A. -based one-stop-shop that offers very affordable CD/DVD/USB replication, custom printing, promotional products, warehousing and fulfillment and many more. If you need an Instant Quote on a project and you want FREE […]