Joshua Marc Levy Photo Amy Kayln Sims

Featured Designer: Joshua Marc Levy

About Joshua Marc Levy: Joshua was born Jan 27- the same day as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Lewis Carroll. He graduated SVA with honors in 1998 and worked in Entertainment Advertising and the Record Industry afterward. Shortly after leaving SVA, he won many awards including Young Guns, Art Director’s Club and a “First Place Student […]

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Viral Marketing- the good,the bad, & the ugly

Viral marketing campaigns use mystery, fun, and often, deception to help create buzz for a new product. Sometimes such campaigns succeed; sometimes they backfire. Let’s take a look at these cases and try to see what they did right and wrong. Court TV “Hi Steven,” it began, cheerily enough. “Do I have your attention now? […]


Featured Designer: Chris Rubino

About Chris Rubino: Chris’s works have been exhibited in Europe, Japan, Hong Kong and the U.S. He recently has created designs & illustrations for such clients as The New York Times, Banana Republic & The NY Public Theater. Rubino’s work has been strongly influenced by his screen-printing background making limited edition posters for bands such […]


5 Ways Bands Can Benefit From Foursquare

Foursquare is the latest social networking craze that will soon be as big as MySpace, Twitter and Facebook (FB is launching its own version soon). Foursquare isn’t another social network per se. It’s a location-based social network using the GPS system off your mobile devices. Once you download the application to your phone, you “check-in” […]