
DVD Packaging: Why Digipacks Rule!

DVD Digipacks are probably the most beautiful of all DVD cases. They have this certain X factor that makes them look 5 times more sophisticated than the standard jewel cases and DVD wallets.  DVD Digipacks are made of thick cardboard paper and have plastic trays inside that are similar to the jewel case. The cardboard […]

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Indie Musicians: Top 7 Musicians Discovered on Youtube

Youtube has become a platform for ordinary people to express themselves and showcase their talents. Anyone with an internet connection, a camera, and a good, rock-solid talent can show the world what they’ve got without spending money or having the right ‘connections’. That is the very basis of its slogan “broadcast yourself”. At this point, […]

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Unified Manufacturing: Past Projects (Vinyl, CD, DVD)

Unified Manufacturing’s unique blend of products and services allow bands across the broad spectrum of music to reach more fans.  We have done projects for  Maroon 5, Tenacious D, Obama Campaign, Fear Factory, Nine Inch Nails, Testament, Black Angels, Herman Dune, Kataklysm, Tapped the Movie, and many others. Check em’ out! VINYL Attractive, unique, and […]

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DVD Packaging: Unified makes 100% Eco-friendly DVD packaging for Tapped the Movie

We recently produced an eco- friendly DVD for the environmental documentary,Tapped the Movie by Atlas Films. Because of the independent film company’s advocacy, Atlas Films collaborated with Unified Manufacturing in making 100% eco-friendly DVD packaging. We made a cardboard sleeve that is made of 100% recycled material. The CD Cardboard sleeve and disc art is […]

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DVD Packaging: Wall-E DVD

Pixar’s WALL-E DVD packaging isn’t short on awesome. Released just a couple days ago, it features raised printing with a glossy effect on the cover. In a move towards eco friendliness, the only plastic used is in the shrink wrap, and the cardboard case is 100% recyclable. In addition to the standard DVD disc and […]

The Best 90’s Musician Box Sets

Blur, Pink, Spice Girls…if you’re like me whose taste in music is still stuck in the 90s, then you’ll love these 90’s musician box set. Here are some of the best box sets from the 90’s that you can still buy from online stores. We’re drooling. We want them all! #1. THE COMPLETE STUDIO ALBUM – […]