Vinyl Albums That Come With Awesome Posters

There’s something uniquely special about vinyl records, and for many collectors, it’s not just about the music—it’s about the entire package.  Vinyls that come with posters offer an extra layer of excitement and value, turning an album purchase into a comprehensive artistic experience. Let’s explore some of the most iconic and visually stunning vinyl albums […]

25 of the Most Controversial Album Artworks of All Time

Controversial album artworks give spice to every collector’s life. The music industry has been alive since forever and ever since the very beginning, controversies abound —whether they’re around record labels and their executives, musicians, and even the music they make. Obviously, album art could not escape this fate. Some were never released while some made […]

A Brief History of Music Formats

Among these, the different types of music discs have played a pivotal role in shaping the auditory experience for generations. This article will take you on a journey through the history of music formats, exploring the development of various discs from the earliest phonograph records to modern digital discs. We’ll examine how each format has […]

Is TIKTOK really worth it for musicians?

There has been a lot of contemplation as to whether TikTok is worth it for musicians. Before I offer my opinion though, and present some evidence, let me first define what “worth it” means. When we say something is “worth it”, it offers greater value than whatever you’ve sacrificed, spent, or offered up just to […]


Are Music Demos Still a Thing?

If you’re a new musician trying to build a career in music, you must wonder if sending music demos still work. The answer is YES! You still need to send demos in 2020 and beyond. Yes, even if there’s an abundance of content and everyone is doing digital, even if you think you can do […]

covid resources for musicians

List of COVID Relief Funds for Musicians

We compiled a list of COVID funds for musicians because we know it’s always tough being a musician but there’s no other time the phrase “It’s tough being a musician right now” is more apt than right now. COVID-19 has shaken our world and this pandemic has put the music industry in a big question […]