Some of our awesome projects in 2022 so Far
This has been a hectic year—the most productive in the history of Unified— and we are proud to present to you some of the awesome projects we’ve had this year. #1. ALICE GLASS’ STUDIO ALBUM CDs It was an honor to have been the manufacturer of Alice Glass’ CDs for her debut studio album, Prey//IV. […]
23 ways to customize your hoodie merch
Merch hoodies are not a new phenomenon. Just like t-shirts, hoodies have become classic merch. We see a lot of cool and affordable hoodies wherever we look. And if you’re a musician or artist of any kind, this leaves your merch with a smaller chance of standing out. If you want to release hoodies like […]
Movies with the most badass t-shirt merch designs
T-shirts will never leave our wardrobes. And why would it, right? When t-shirts can be worn whatever the weather, whatever occasion, wherever we go. Basically, we can wear it every day. And even with a simple t-shirt, you can look stylish and fashion ready. If you’re looking for shirts that would really make heads turn, […]
22 custom band merch ideas for 2022
Want to know some custom band merch ideas for 2022? The second half of the year is just right around the corner. You guys still have 6 more months to release your merch line together with a music release, gig show, or a tour. If you’re having second thoughts on releasing them, then I urge […]
Top 10 best starter merchandise for indie bands
Merchandise is a must for musicians—always been. Releasing albums, EPs, and singles, may that be digitally or physically, isn’t likely enough to supplement the musicians personal and professional needs. We could always have more. Thanks to band merch, musicians and artists can still fund their musical journey. That’s not all, though. It also helps in […]
5 Tips on how to start your own merch line
Merch has been and always will be an important factor for many people’s money-making plans. It’s a boost in musicians, artists, YouTubers, streamers, and other online creators’ profit because aside from the content they make and profit from, they have these merch items that give faster returns. Having your very own merch line may be […]
Album Artwork copyright infringement cases for album artwork
Designing merchandise is not an easy feat and it can drain your creative juices at times. It can make us get lazy and just copy famous designs…which could take us into BIG TROUBLE! Look, if you’re having a hard time, I suggest you rest to clear your head. Or you can also look for inspiration […]
25 ways to promote your album the right way
Album promotion in the past decade has stepped up to another level. There are just so many ways to do it which has its pros but definitely also has its cons. The internet has become an integral part in music promotion and with the pandemic, it has become an even more crucial element. Musicians have […]
Band Merch statistics- How you can use data to choose what merch to sell
If you want to sell merch, it’s not enough that you make wonderful designs, you gotta know some basic band merch statistics! Merchandise has been a great help to numerous people from different fields of business, but most especially the music industry. With music streaming becoming the norm of today’s generation, musicians’ revenue for physical […]
12 Reasons You Should Still Release Physical Albums Even if There’s Spotify
You might be wondering if releasing a physical version of your album would be a successful one. You’re not the only one though. Many people from the music industry do, especially during this age of digital streaming. Digital streaming has been taking over music sales since 2005 and it surpassed physical sales last 2015 and […]