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How to Choose the Right Promotional Product

  Promotional products are meant to market your company therefore you have to be strategic in choosing the items you will give out. Do not just give away generic key chains, calendars, and other cliche stuff most companies give out or else it would just be a waste of money. It would also make people […]

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Band Merch: The Neatest Casket Merch Ever

To commemorate its 15th anniversary, Lamb of God has given its fans a vast array of options billed as the Hourglass collections. And for its most ravenous fans, the band conceived quite possibly the most metal thing ever — a personalized casket. Unlike KISS’s casket wherein it can be doubled as a beverage cooler, Lamb […]

Cool company swags from big brands

In a world full of business competitors wherever you turn, cool company swags are one of your essential ammunitions. They’re a must if you want your brand to survive in almost any industry. Swags make your customers feel special. A swags make your brand memorable. Swags can make you stand out from the crowd. But […]

22 custom band merch ideas for 2022

Want to know some custom band merch ideas for 2022? The second half of the year is just right around the corner. You guys still have 6 more months to release your merch line together with a music release, gig show, or a tour. If you’re having second thoughts on releasing them, then I urge […]

t-shirt band merch design

Where can I order band custom merch in LA?

Band merch is one of the primary sources of income for musicians, just a few digits shy from live shows. We all love band merch not only because they’re awesome symbols of our youth but It’s one of the best ways fans can support their favorite artists, too. If you already bought the album of […]


Best Merch Items for Your Indie Film

Between post-production and your first screening is the time you get your hands dirty making your merch and marketing your film. You design posters, create a website, and a million other things. One thing you should not forget on the list is creating kick-ass movie merch. Yep, as in merchandise! It’s a good way to […]