2022 Grammy Nominees for Best Record Package

Year 2022 means another year for musicians, seasoned and new, old and young to receive either another or their very first GRAMMY Award and we’re delighted to see the “best record package” section (our favorite section) has a lot of really good stuff. The upcoming 64th GRAMMY Awards was supposed to be presented by Recording […]

5 Incredible Ideas for Custom Mixtapes – Amazing For Valentine’s Day, Birthdays, and Your Fans Anniversaries!

The best bands and artists are harnessing the power of retro! Mixtapes are back… No, they’re not just something you gave to your first ever girlfriend all those years ago, custom cassette tapes are an amazing way for musicians to release collections of music like rareities, or romantic tunes for Valentine’s day. Music fans could […]

covid resources for musicians

List of COVID Relief Funds for Musicians

We compiled a list of COVID funds for musicians because we know it’s always tough being a musician but there’s no other time the phrase “It’s tough being a musician right now” is more apt than right now. COVID-19 has shaken our world and this pandemic has put the music industry in a big question […]