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9 Album Artworks That Know How to Rock Portraits

Most CD album artworks feature the artists’ portraits and some are just soooooo boring. They are merely photos of the artists, without much concept behind the photo. When you’re selling your CD, vinyl record, or merch, you’re not merely selling these items as ordinary goods- you’re selling and promoting yourself. That’s why you should put […]

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10 of the Most Creative Direct Mail Campaigns

Any experienced entrepreneur knows that print still rules. You may have awesome online campaigns but nothing beats a powerfully-designed direct mail campaign to target your VIPs. There’s just something about receiving lovely mailers in your mailbox. It’s something that almost equates to opening Christmas presents in your pajamas. When your supporters and clients receive beautiful […]

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12 Transparent Business Cards That Really Rock

If you want to leave a good impression, hand them something they won’t throw away like these clear business cards. They’re made of thin recycled plastic that’s still gentle to mother nature. Your card will surely stand out from all the other cards. Check out these 12 modern transparent business cards for inspiration: ________________________________________________ James […]

product packaging design

10 Golden Rules for Packaging Design

Packaging design is deceptive sometimes, especially for those new to product design. It seems so simple but there are so many considerations for a packaging design to work. Not only should the packaging be able to contain the items safely and securely, not only should the packaging be eco-friendly and easy to ship, not only […]