Why customer (service) is king

Customer is King. And that’s why In today’s music scene, being a musician isn’t just about making great tunes and belting out killer vocals. It’s also about something more unexpected: customer service. And you might be thinking: “That’s just handling orders, easy peasy.” Well, yeah, you’re right. But the last bit? Not so much. As […]

10 ways to add more buzz to your album release

Recording an album is daunting. But so does promoting an album release. You have to take your vitamins and gather more energy because recording’s just the beginning! After that comes mastering, manufacturing, and last but not the least—marketing and promotion. Marketing is definitely a must and you should have started it months before recording. You […]

Stans are all you need

Have you heard of Stan Twitter? No? Then you better dive into it or you’ll be missing out. You see, It’s where you’ll find and interact with the most enthusiastic, most dedicated fans of just about anything anime stans, music stans, movie stans, you name it! What’s even better is that they are also subdivided […]

Do you really know your fans?

I’m sure you have some idea who your fans are…but do you REALLY know your fans? And I mean, REALLY, REALLY? By that, I mean… Do you know what other bands they like? Which places they usually go? What brands they buy? What makes them happy? What makes them sad? It’s always a good idea […]

14 affordable merch ideas that actually rake in money

When it comes to promoting a brand or connecting with fans, cheap merch ideas can be surprisingly effective in both capturing attention and generating revenue. Whether you’re a musician looking to enhance your merch table or a small business seeking to expand your promotional reach, affordable merchandise offers a cost-effective way to leave a lasting […]

9 Music branding tips

A musician’s image has become one of the most important elements of any musician’s career. It doesn’t really need to be kept clean, though that is preferable for most. What it definitely needs is to be unique. In the industry today, the image of an artist heavily affects the consumerization of their music. And that’s […]