
CDs Versus Download Cards

So which is better: Selling CDs or download cards? The answer might seem easy to some (Download Cards, duh!) but you have to think twice. There are advantages that only the CD offers (yes, no matter how outdated it is) which could greatly improve your music career. Here are some of the pros and cons of […]

pinbender toogoodtobetrue

Elements of a kick-ass CD packaging

It Serves its Primary Purpose Before you try to make your CD packaging interesting, make sure it keeps the discs safe from liquids, dust, and pressure. This means, the case should be sturdy and easy-to-open, among other things. Also make sure that the CDs won’t fall off once the CD packaging is opened. There are […]

recording music

Six don’ts when releasing music

Congratulations and good luck! You are about to enter a new phase in your music career. Releasing music and putting yourself and your music out there, for the public to consume and love, is not an easy feat. Aside from the creative aspects of perfecting your music, you have to do a lot of other […]

under the dome1

Snow globe DVD packaging and merch

Even if you’re not fond of Snow Globes, you will definitely adore these Snow Globe DVD Packaging and merch. They’re perfect decors for any entertainment room! Display a dozen and your guests would surely have something to talk about/envy/ogle/steal. Here are some of the most purchase-worthy Snow Globe collector’s items for movies. I want them […]

shortcut success music

Shortcuts to Music Career Success

Those who say that there are no shortcuts to success either lack career know-how or are simply lying. Of course there is a shortcut to everything and that includes your music career. Instead of focusing on talent alone, think of how you can achieve big leaps in your career so that it won’t take you […]