reputation management1

How to build a reputation from scratch

What form of currency never fluctuates with the market? Answer: Your reputation. While many people say you shouldn’t care about what others think about you (and that it’s not your fault, it’s theirs blah blah blah), that only applies to the personal level. For example, if you get pregnant out of wedlock and your neighbor thinks […]

Branding and Reputation Tips for Artists

Branding and Reputation Tips for Artists

You might think only companies need branding but branding simply means your image. It’s how you look, act, talk. It’s your aura, your smell, your opinions… your you-ness that sticks to people’s minds. Therefore, all of us have a brand. When you’re starting a career, any career, it is important to take care of your […]

music bands fight

Six Main Causes Why Bands Fight

Wanna know why bands fight? The basic answer is that they’re people. Bands that are not yet established (and even those who are very much established: Here’s 20 biggest band breakups in history) go through a lot of arguments and squabbles because they are completely on their own- they have no leader who dictates the […]

demo reel tips

Ingredients for an Impressive Demo Reel

A demo reel is the best way to showcase your talent to potential clients. Whether you’re a filmmaker or a designer, a demo reel is a must so your clients can quickly see your previous works without going through a pile of DVDs. So basically, your demo reel is meant to make your potential client’s […]