
Featured Designer: Chris Rubino

About Chris Rubino: Chris’s works have been exhibited in Europe, Japan, Hong Kong and the U.S. He recently has created designs & illustrations for such clients as The New York Times, Banana Republic & The NY Public Theater. Rubino’s work has been strongly influenced by his screen-printing background making limited edition posters for bands such […]

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Effective Film Publicity Gimmicks

You have to  be competitive when it comes to selling your film because without good publicity, no one would bother to touch your film. Film publicity should not be limited to print,radio, and tv interviews. Come up with catchy gimmicks and stunts that can grab people’s attention. Here are some ways: Let it Snow in […]

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Featured Record Label Owner: Blake Morgan

Record Label Name: Engine Company Records Owner: Blake Morgan, President and Founder Unified Manufacturing is so honored to do a short interview with Blake Morgan, the owner of Engine Company Records.  Despite his very busy schedule, he still managed to squeeze us in his calenday. (Thanks again, Blake!). About Blake Morgan: “Maverick recording artist, producer, […]


Is the Live Album Dead?

Wilco — doesn’t have the pop cultural resonance of, say, “At Budokan” or “Frampton Comes Alive.” But by any contemporary measure, it’s a success. Creatively, it’s a vibrant recording that touches on different eras in a notable band’s career. Commercially, it sold 135,000 copies, a strong number these days. And a pricey vinyl version released […]

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Interview: Graphic Designer Dan Mumford

I saw some of his works online and I told myself I have to interview this guy! I simply must! At such a young age, he has already found and established his own style(scroll down to the bottom of the page to check his works).When you see his works, you see something common in all […]

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Featured CD Packaging Designer: Seldon Hunt

Seldon Hunt has been working as an art director, designer and illustrator since 1995.  In recent years much of his output has been devoted to creating a diverse and highly recognizable body of visuals that have become synonymous with contemporary international music culture. His work is exhibited globally and appears regularly in music, art, culture […]