Branding Yourself as a Musician- A Checklist
If you want to make a career out of your music, you should learn more about musician branding to market yourself effectively. And in order to market yourself well, you should treat your band as a brand. I know some artists turn red reading my first two sentences- for them, music should be from the […]
Indie Musicians:Tips for Managing Your Finances Better
Have you ever heard it said that “Budgeting is the key to financial success?” For musicians, that whole concept is not just plain old dull, but it’s also impossible to imagine as we live from gig to gig. We scrimp and save simply to support the bohemian lifestyle we’ve chosen. Well, I have good news: […]
35 Tips for Self-Management as a Musician
Most musicians say they want to make a lot of money with their music, but when it comes down to it, few are willing to do what it takes to have their music heard, promoted, and marketed. Self-management can be the cure-all for many dedicated, passionate, and talented musicians who are willing to put their […]
Rich Musician, Poor Musician
“Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki and asked (forced) me to read it. I’m glad she did because I learned a lot about finances and life. The book is basically about a young man who has two fathers: the first was his biological father – the poor dad – and the other was the father […]
Music Advice: Brand Your Band!
Madonna, Radiohead, Lady Gaga, OK Go, Kanye West, David Byrne…sure they have great talent but I am 100% sure that there are other people in the world who can sing like they do and even better. I mean yeah…they all have good voices but they’re rather easy to imitate compared to those with ultra great […]
Get Sponsorship for Your Next Music Video (Step by Step Guide)
So you have the most brilliant idea for your next music video yet you cannot execute it because you only have a few dollars left in your pocket after recording your first album. But you also know the value of a kick-ass music video- that it could leverage your career faster than you can say […]
Why You Should Still Make CDs When No One Pays For Music Anymore
They say it’s foolish for new acts to make CDs because no one wants to pay for music anymore. They say CD sales are down and it will never go up again especially now that any song is just a click away. They say that we should just give free music online and get money […]
Indie Musicians: Top 21 Music Licensing Companies
There are many legal requirements you should comply if you want to have a career in music: you need legal permission if you want to cover songs, you need to trademark your band name if you don’t want another band to use it, your performance contract, and many others. If you want to make […]
Indie Musicians: 4 Ways to Make Your Superfans Feel Special
Superfans are the 20% of your fans that deserve 80% of your attention. When you are already in the stage of your music career wherein you have loyal followers (aka Superfans), then you better know how to take good care of them before they go kaput! Superfans are the ones more likely to spread your […]
Indie Musicians: 10 Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Band
Quitting your band is one of the hardest decisions you’ll ever make. You’ve devoted time, money, and your heart and soul in to this group. Every band sees some trouble from time to time, and you don’t want to be a weenie and quit just because someone used your guitar pick to clean their teeth. […]