product packaging design

10 Golden Rules for Packaging Design

Packaging design is deceptive sometimes, especially for those new to product design. It seems so simple but there are so many considerations for a packaging design to work. Not only should the packaging be able to contain the items safely and securely, not only should the packaging be eco-friendly and easy to ship, not only […]

no mediocrity

Reasons Why You’re Not As Successful as You Should Be

YOU’RE NOT NETWORKING. Don’t roll your eyes now. We know you’re an artist and we know you’re not a fake but who says you should kiss ass when you’re networking? Networking simply means making good relationships with people. Although it helps that you hand out really awesome business cards at a party but good networking goes […]

band merch tips from experts

Band Merch Tips From Band Merch Experts

MERCH TIPS FROM BRIAN “BT” TARANTO Brian Taranto has been rocking the merch industry since 1985. He launched Love Police, a company that has gone on to be a force of the merch industry. “With the onset of indie bands, trying to be a bit cooler and slacker with design or reference can work well… or bomb […]

Money-saving Tips for the Frugal Musician

Money-saving tips for the frugal musician

Money doesn’t come easy for musicians that is why apart from aiming to earn more, musicians should also aim to save on expenses. Here are some of the ways musicians can scrimp and save: Know the Tax Deductibles If you’re a tax-paying musician, then you must know that there are many things you can deduct from […]

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What is the difference between AQ Finish compared to others?

When you ask most printing companies for the best finish, more often than not, they’d tell you it’s AQ finish. What the heck is AQ and why is it such a popular choice of most printing houses? AQ finish or Aqueous Finish  is a vegetable cellulose coating which is applied to paper right after the inks. It produces […]