creative wedding invitation

18 Weird But Cute Wedding Invites

Your wedding invitations shouldn’t be boring unless you accept that you and your soon-to-be hubby are, in fact, two boring people. Forget scented stationery! There are so many ways to customize your wedding invite- from having a custom wedding USB drive to wedding vinyl records to wedding balloons! Come up with a wedding invitation that […]


8 Promotional USB Drives for Movies

If you’re a filmmaker, especially if you’re an indie filmmaker,I’m pretty sure you would not consider releasing your film on USB flash drives. First of all, it’s pretty expensive. If you’re going to put a 2-hour film, you need a flash drive that has a high capacity. Movies released on flash drives usually cost $40 […]


10 Things a Kick-Ass DVD Packaging Can Do

You did it. You just made your first feature film. It was really fulfilling but I bet it was also very exhausting. And just when you’re about to exhale, your co-filmmaker asked you about your DVD packaging. That’s the last thing you want to think about right now. You just want it to materialize because […]

inspiration for designers

9 Ways to Get Inspiration for Your Album Artwork

It’s your first album and you want everything to be perfect- including, of course, the CD artwork. But you are too drained! You’ve been thinking of concepts for your album artwork for weeks yet no idea is remarkable enough. So you’re now hopeless and you’re running out of time. First, you need to take a […]