Best 2022 Albums Released on Cassettes

Interestingly, the streaming era has resurrected old physical music formats. We’ve seen recent albums released on cassette and more physical formats. Even if digital music still accounts for the bulk of music sales, it cannot be denied that physical formats like vinyl records and cassette tapes are contributing well. For today’s article, we will be […]

Wondering why your vinyl records are taking so long?

If you’ve never had a vinyl pressed until now, you might get shocked by how long the turnaround time is—usually it’s 8-12 weeks. And there are even times when the pressing plants ship your vinyl records later than the expected time. This might frustrate you, especially if you’re close to your album release date… so […]

Reddit’s Top 25 Unique Vinyl Records

We checked Reddit for unique vinyl records and it did not fail us! Vinyl records have become one of the most customizable physical audio formats available today. It has gained lots of buzz during the pandemic and since then, musicians have been releasing on the format along with usual digital and CD formats. This article […]

VMA Award winning music on vinyl

The VMA’s 2022, was a star-studded award show and was attended by one of the biggest stars in the industry like Taylor Swift, Blackpink, and LL Cool J. There were definitely a lot of awards given out. And so we have made this article compiling a list of the awarded music releases which are available […]